Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

How many people actually met their 2014 New Year's Resolution goals?
Ha. I probably gained more, spent more, ... !
Since I've started this whole blogging thing, I must admit, it helps me stay more aware of goals and little things I want to do. Here's hoping my 2015 goals will be somewhat more productive!

1. Lose weight
I know, shocker right? That's probably the first "to do" on everyone's resolution list. That never gets accomplished. The quote above says it all. If you want it, work for it.
2. Travel more

I am always busy with something. I don't know what I will ever do when I have kids. My own schedule is packed to the max. I do want to spend more time exploring and traveling, even if only little places around me. I went to (or through) Louisiana, Texas, Nebraska, Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina last year and the only thing I have to say for myself is I went to the bathroom in all of those states. I did very little "just me" activities.
3. Listen to my favorite music more
I listen to A LOT of music. But it's not all for me. Trust me - You Tube the "Chichester Psalms" and you'll understand why that's not for me. It will scare you. I usually try to listen to recordings of all the music I will be learning and performing to get it in my ear. The "riding in my car" music usually consists of K-Love because as a marketer I'm in and out of the car all of the time, and it's just too hard to get into my music. So this resolution is simply, listen to the music YOU want to hear.
4. Grow my blog
I really enjoy blogging. It's my little creative outlet where I can be just me. Even if no one reads it, I write it for me and that's okay. But since there are an awesome group of you who are reading Vogue Happiness, I really want to learn how to grow my blogging skills and really get this thing up and going!
5. Donate my hair
My hair is naturally this light blonde. I've never colored it at all. Since 90+% of blondes are colored these days (whether they used to be natural or not, they have color in it now), very few hair donations for adult wigs are blonde. I have long hair now, but I need to grow it just another inch or two before I donate it.
6. Be more adventurous
I will try most things at least once. I'm not scared of heights, or jumping out of a plane, or roller coasters, etc. I like adventurous activities for the most part. Mainly because I like to be doing. (We all know JC cannot sit still in a canoe long enough to enjoy that kind of outdoor activity...). This year I plan to do at least a handful of more adventurous things.
7. Get COMPLETELY out of debt
This girl LOVES to shop, but she's no dummy. I have had little store credit cards and such through the years, but I've never let it get out of hand. So I'm not really in a great deal of debt. Plus, I just sold my house and eliminated the mortgage (which is good debt if you can afford it). But I do have a few odds and ends from hospital stays and that sort of thing. It's time for me to clean the slate once again. I have to make this a resolution every few years just in case I start slipping.
8. Be more "in the moment"

Believe it or not, this may be the hardest resolution for me. I'm constantly a day or two ahead of myself in my brain. I'm a planner and note maker. And life keeps passing me on by. I have a few things in mind that will help me live more in the moment that I plan to try. I'm glad I journal heavily because I don't want to let my memories pass by without notice.
9. Read more (good stuff)
I'm going to try this reading challenge for the year.
10. Be more crafty
I have so many DIY and craft projects I want to do. I'm making it a goal to actually do them!

11. Start grad school
I've been trying to go to grad school for several years now, but the timing and $$$ has never worked out. I'm planning to go for my Master's in Divinity at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, and I can't wait!
12. Take one photo a day for a year

This is one of the ways I plan to be more in the moment. I have to find one thing a day that inspires me or a moment that I want to capture.
What are your resolutions for the New Year? I'd love to hear some of your ideas in the comments. Thank you for finding me and following my little blog here this year, and I hope to get to know you all better in the months ahead!

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